

  • 2018-2022 中山大学 计算机学院 博士
  • 2016-2018 香港中文大学 生物统计 硕士
  • 2010-2016 中山大学 公卫学院 学士
  1. Zhang H, Xiu X, Xue A, Yuedong Yang*, Y Yang*, H Zhao*. The putative causal effect of type 2 diabetes in risk of cataract: a Mendelian randomization study in East Asian. Int J Epidemiol 2021; 50(6):2024-2037(中科院一区,流行病学顶刊,IF=7.7).
  2. Zhang H, Xiu X, Yuedong Yang*, Y Yang*, H Zhao*. Identification of putative causal relationships between type 2 diabetes and biomarkers in East Asians by Mendelian randomization. Am J Epidem 2022 (流行病学顶刊).
  3. Zhang H, J Wei, Z Liu, X Liu, Y Chong, Y Lu, H Zhao, and Yuedong Yang*. DGAT-onco: A differential analysis method to detect oncogenes by integrating functional information of mutations. BIBM 2021 (CCF-B).
  4. X Xiu#; H Zhang#; A Xue; D Cooper; L Yan, Yuedong Yang*, Y Yang*, H Zhao*. Genetic evidence for a causal relationship between type 2 diabetes and peripheral artery disease in both Europeans and East Asians. BMC Medicine 2022;20:300 (中科院一区).
  5. H Chen#, H Zhang#, S Wen, X Xiu, D You, H Zhao, D Wang, Yuedong Yang*, Y Shu*. Mendelian randomization suggests a potential causal effect of eosinophil count on influenza vaccination responsiveness. J Med Virol 2023
  6. Wang X, Qi M, Dong C, Zhang H, Yuedong Yang*, and Zhao H*. Accurately Identifying Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Disease through Merged Beats of Electrocardiogram. BIBM 2022.
  7. Wang X, Zhang H, Xiu X, Qi M, Yuedong Yang*, and Huiying Zhao*. Genetic and phenotypic relationships between coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and electrocardiographic traits. BIBM 2022.