Personal Profile

Dr. Yang Yuedong has been a professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Sun Yat-sen University since 2017, and the deputy chief engineer of the National Supercomputing Center at Guangzhou. He has obtained a bachelor's degree (2000) and doctoral degree (2006) from the University of Science and Technology of China. Since then, he has served as a postdoctoral and research assistant at the University of Indiana in the United States (2006-2013) and Griffith University in Australia (2013-2017). Currently, I am mainly engaged in biological multiomics data analysis, medical multimodal data mining, drug intelligent design. We are also responsible for the management, application, and development of biomedical high-performance software for Tianhe-2. Our research is supported by national natural science foundation, national key research and development, Guangdong and Guangzhou, totally exceeding 20 million CNY.

I have published more than 100 SCI papers in top journals such as Nature Machine Intelligence, Bioinformatics, and top AI conferences such as IJCAI/AAAI, which are cited more than 6,000 times, H-inde=38. Among them, 10 first/communication papers quoted more than 100 single articles, and one dozen were selected as ESI high-citation papers.

Research direction

  • Intelligent drug design: biological macromolecular structure, function, and drug molecular design based on artificial intelligence;
  • Multiomics data analysis: early diagnosis and prognosis analysis of major diseases such as cancer combined with artificial intelligence and multiomics data;
  • Multimodal medical data mining: effective mining of multimodal big data such as medical images, electronic medical records, ECG/EEG, etc.

Educational background

  • 2000.9-2006.6 Doctor of Computational Biology, University of Science and Technology of China
  • 1996.9-2000.6 Bachelor's degree, University of Science and Technology of China

Work experience

  • 2017.7-present Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, School of Data Science and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University
  • 2017.7-present National Supercomputing Guangzhou Center, Deputy Chief Engineer of National Supercomputing Center at Guangzhou
  • 2013.6-2017.7 Researcher, Institute of Sugar Genomics, School of Informatics, Griffith University, Australia
  • 2011.3-2013.6 Assistant Professor of Research, Indiana University School of Information & School of Medicine, USA
  • 2006.9-2011.3 Indiana University School of Informatics & School of Medicine, USA, postdoctoral